After the Civil War, the southern eceonmy was primarily

both a and b

In my book, it mentions both industrial and agrarian but then it states the econmy was largely agrarian so I'm not sure what I should put down.

Which of the following was the main economic activity of the plains region?
all of the above

Once again, I thought farming but it never really said only that-it just mentions farming, mining, ranching as being part of the plains eceonmic activity so I'm not sure again


The key word is "primarily." Doesn't "largely agrarian" mean the economy was "primarily agrarian?"

The second answer must be "all of the above," unless you can find a more definitive answer in your book.

Thank you, that is somewhat how I felt or was leaning but I just wasn't sure

Thanks again

You're welcome. :-)

I understand your confusion. When determining the main economic activity of a region, it's important to consider the prominent and dominant industry during that time period. Let me explain how to approach these questions:

1. After the Civil War, the southern economy was primarily:
To determine the main economic activity, you can consider the overall nature of the Southern economy in the aftermath of the Civil War. While it is mentioned that both industrial and agrarian sectors were present, if your book states that the economy was largely agrarian, it implies that agriculture (farming) played a more significant role than industrial activities. Therefore, the correct answer would be agrarian.

2. Which of the following was the main economic activity of the plains region?
Similar to the previous question, you can find the main economic activity of the plains region by considering the dominant industry. If your book mentions farming, mining, and ranching as part of the plains economic activity, it indicates that these industries were prominent in that region. However, to identify the main economic activity, you need to determine which industry was the most significant or influential in shaping the region's economy. Without specific information given in your book, it may be challenging to determine the main economic activity of the plains region. In this case, you could make an educated guess and choose "all of the above" since farming, mining, and ranching were all significant economic activities in the area.

Remember, it's always important to refer back to your source material to get a comprehensive understanding and context for the questions you encounter.