In Act 4 scene 1- Who rules Rome at this point in Julius Caesar?

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In order to find out who rules Rome in Act 4, Scene 1 of Julius Caesar, you can refer to the play itself. Julius Caesar is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, and Act 4, Scene 1 takes place immediately after the assassination of Julius Caesar.

To determine who rules Rome at this point, you need to closely analyze the dialogue and events within the scene. Start by reading the lines spoken by the characters in Act 4, Scene 1, paying attention to any mention of a new ruler or authoritative figure.

In this particular scene, you will find that the character named Antony, who is a trusted friend of Caesar, gives a stirring speech to the people of Rome. By examining Antony's lines, you can determine the political landscape of Rome.

After analyzing the dialogue, you will discover that at this point in the play, Rome is not ruled by one specific person. Following the assassination of Julius Caesar, the power in Rome is mainly split between three characters: Antony, Octavius Caesar (Julius Caesar's adopted heir), and Lepidus.

These three characters form a coalition known as the Second Triumvirate, sharing power and ruling Rome together. So, in Act 4, Scene 1, Rome is governed by the triumvirate of Antony, Octavius Caesar, and Lepidus, rather than having a single ruler.

I hope this explanation helps you understand who rules Rome in Act 4, Scene 1 of Julius Caesar!