1. can a network have exactly one vertex with an odd degree? Provide evidence to suport your answer.

2. explain why for any materix A, (At)t = A. You may use examples to illustrate your answer.

this is grade 12 data managment help me out guys if u know how

1. No, intuitive.

2. Like the question says, write out examples. Any matrix will do.

1. To determine whether a network can have exactly one vertex with an odd degree, we need to understand the concept of degrees in a network. In a network, the degree of a vertex refers to the number of edges connected to that vertex.

To answer this question, we should consider two scenarios:
- If a network has an odd number of vertices, it is not possible for there to be exactly one vertex with an odd degree. This is because the sum of degrees in a network is always even since each edge connects two vertices, thus contributing an even number of degrees. In a network with an odd number of vertices, the sum of degrees will also be odd. Therefore, it is not possible for there to be only one vertex with an odd degree in such a network.
- Alternatively, if a network has an even number of vertices, it is possible for there to be exactly one vertex with an odd degree. This is because the sum of degrees in a network will always be even, and if all vertices except one have an even degree, the remaining vertex must have an odd degree to maintain an even sum of degrees.

To support this answer, let's consider a simple example:
- Suppose we have a network with 4 vertices labeled A, B, C, and D. We can represent the degrees of these vertices as (even, even, even, odd). In this case, only vertex D has an odd degree, while the others have even degrees. This example demonstrates that a network can have exactly one vertex with an odd degree.

2. To prove that for any matrix A, (At)t = A, we need to understand the properties and operations applied to matrices. In this case, (At)t refers to the transpose of the transpose of matrix A.

The transpose of a matrix involves interchanging its rows and columns. For any element in matrix A at position (i, j), the transpose of A at position (j, i) will have the same value.

Now, let's consider some examples to illustrate this property:

Example 1:
Let's take a simple 2x2 matrix A with elements a, b, c, and d:

| a b |
| c d |

The transpose of matrix A, denoted as At, will be:

| a c |
| b d |

Taking the transpose of At, we obtain:

| a b |
| c d |

As we can see, the original matrix A is equal to the transpose of the transpose, (At)t.

Example 2:
Now, let's consider a larger matrix with different values:

| 1 2 3 |
| 4 5 6 |

The transpose of this matrix, At, will be:

| 1 4 |
| 2 5 |
| 3 6 |

Taking the transpose of At, we obtain:

| 1 2 3 |
| 4 5 6 |

Again, we observe that the original matrix A is equal to the transpose of the transpose, (At)t.

By examining these examples, we can generalize that for any matrix A, (At)t will always be equal to A.