compare the number of valence electrons an oxygen, O, atom has with the number of valence electrons a selenium, Se, atom has. are oxygen and selenium in the same period or group?

They are in the same group of 16. oxygen has 6 valence electrons selenium has also has 6

To determine the number of valence electrons, we can refer to the periodic table.

Oxygen (O) is located in Group 16 (or Group VI) of the periodic table. Elements in Group 16 have 6 valence electrons.

Selenium (Se) is located in Group 16 as well, so it also has 6 valence electrons.

Therefore, both oxygen and selenium have the same number of valence electrons.

In terms of period, oxygen is located in period 2, while selenium is located in period 4. Therefore, oxygen and selenium are not in the same period, but they are in the same group.

To compare the number of valence electrons an oxygen (O) atom has with the number of valence electrons a selenium (Se) atom has, we'll need to determine their positions on the periodic table.

1. Locate oxygen (O) on the periodic table: Oxygen is in the 2nd period of the periodic table, which means it has two energy levels (or shells). The electronic configuration of oxygen is 1s²2s²2p⁴. In this configuration, the valence electrons are those in the outermost energy level, which is the 2nd level in this case. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons.

2. Locate selenium (Se) on the periodic table: Selenium is in the 4th period of the periodic table, indicating it has four energy levels (or shells). The electronic configuration of selenium is 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁴. The valence electrons of selenium are those in the outermost energy level, which is the 4th level in this case. Selenium has 6 valence electrons.

Therefore, both oxygen and selenium have 6 valence electrons.

Regarding whether oxygen and selenium are in the same period or group:
- Period: A period is a row in the periodic table that represents the number of energy levels an element's atoms have. Oxygen is in the 2nd period, whereas selenium is in the 4th period. Therefore, they are not in the same period.
- Group: A group is a column in the periodic table that represents the number of valence electrons an element has. Oxygen and selenium both have 6 valence electrons, meaning they are in the same group - Group 16.

they are the same when you close your eyes