√(X+10) + √(X-6) = 8

Help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


sqrt(x-6)+sqrt(x+10) = 8

sqrt(x-6) = 8 - sqrt(x+10)
Square both sides
x - 6 = (8 - sqrt(x + 10))^2
Expand out terms on the right hand side
x - 6 = x - 16sqrt(x + 10) + 74
16sqrt(x + 10) = 80
Divide both sides by 16
sqrt(x + 10) = 5
Square both sides
x + 10 = 25
x = 15

To solve the equation √(X+10) + √(X-6) = 8, we need to isolate the variable X. Here's how you can solve this equation step by step:

Step 1: Start by isolating one of the square roots. Let's isolate the square root containing X+10.

√(X+10) = 8 - √(X-6)

Step 2: Square both sides of the equation to remove the square root on the left side.

(√(X+10))^2 = (8 - √(X-6))^2

This simplifies to X+10 = 64 - 16√(X-6) + (X-6).

Step 3: Combine like terms. On the right side, we have -16√(X-6) and (X-6), which means we can combine them.

X+10 = 64 - 16√(X-6) + X - 6

Simplifying further, we get X+10 = X + 58 - 16√(X-6).

Step 4: Now, let's isolate the square root term by moving all other terms to the opposite side.

X - X + 10 - 10 = 58 - 16√(X-6)

This simplifies to 0 = 48 - 16√(X-6).

Step 5: Move the term with the square root to one side and simplify.

16√(X-6) = 48

Step 6: Divide both sides by 16 to solve for the square root.

√(X-6) = 3

Step 7: Square both sides to remove the square root.

(√(X-6))^2 = (3)^2

This simplifies to X - 6 = 9.

Step 8: Solve for X.

X = 9 + 6

X = 15

Therefore, the solution to the equation √(X+10) + √(X-6) = 8 is X = 15.