
See your post above.

To solve the equation 3p^2 + 4p^2 = 63, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Combine like terms.
The equation can be simplified by adding the coefficients of the variables with the same exponent.
3p^2 + 4p^2 can be written as (3 + 4)p^2, which simplifies to 7p^2.
The equation now becomes 7p^2 = 63.

Step 2: Isolate the variable.
To solve for p, isolate it by dividing both sides of the equation by 7.
Divide both sides of the equation by 7: (7p^2)/7 = 63/7.
This simplifies to p^2 = 9.

Step 3: Take the square root.
To solve for p, take the square root of both sides of the equation.
Remember to consider both the positive and negative square root values.
Taking the square root of both sides gives you p = ±√9.

Step 4: Simplify and find the solutions.
The square root of 9 is 3 (√9 = 3), so the two possible solutions are p = 3 and p = -3.

Therefore, the solutions to the equation 3p^2 + 4p^2 = 63 are p = 3 and p = -3.