To display the major of a sample of college students, which graph would be the best choice?

To display the major of a sample of college students, the best choice of graph would be a bar graph. A bar graph is a visual representation of data using rectangular bars where the length of each bar represents the quantity or frequency of the data category being plotted.

Here's how you can create a bar graph to display the major of college students:

1. Gather the data: Collect information about the majors of the sample college students. Make a list of all the different majors and the number of students in each major.

2. Choose the axes: Decide which variable will be represented on each axis. For a bar graph, the majors would be displayed on the x-axis (horizontal axis) and the number of students in each major would be displayed on the y-axis (vertical axis).

3. Label the axes: Write clear and descriptive labels for the x-axis and y-axis. The x-axis should be labeled as "Majors" or "Fields of Study," and the y-axis should be labeled as "Number of Students."

4. Draw the bars: For each major, draw a rectangular bar starting from the x-axis up to the corresponding height on the y-axis. The length of each bar should be proportional to the number of students in that major.

5. Add a title: Give your graph a title to summarize its purpose. For example, you could use a statement like "Distribution of Majors Among College Students."

6. Optional: Add color or patterns: You can optionally use different colors or patterns to differentiate the bars representing different majors. This can make the graph more visually appealing and easier to interpret.

Remember to ensure that your graph is readable and easily understandable by choosing appropriate scales and avoiding overcrowding of labels.