Solve for v.


Simplify your answer as much as possible. This answer cannot be a radical. Thanks

To solve for v, we need to isolate v on one side of the equation.

Given the equation:

v + 6/5 = 3/5v - 7/3

First, let's remove the fractions by multiplying each term by the least common denominator (LCD), which, in this case, is 15:

15(v + 6/5) = 15(3/5v - 7/3)

Expanding both sides of the equation:

15v + 18 = 9v - 35

Next, let's collect the like terms on each side:

15v - 9v = -35 - 18


6v = -53

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 6 to solve for v:

v = -53/6

Note: Since you specified that the answer should not be a radical, we leave it as a fraction, -53/6, which is the simplest form.