When an unknown substance weighing 2.386g is heated for 5 minutes and cooled to room temperature, it's new weight is 3.183g. No smoke rose for the sample while it was heated and it turned from white to a slight yellow. Were the students performing this experiment successful at separating components of the mixture? Why/why not?


YAY thank you

lol idc


To determine whether the students were successful at separating components of the mixture, we need to analyze the information provided.

First, let's calculate the weight difference before and after heating:
Weight difference = Final weight - Initial weight
Weight difference = 3.183g - 2.386g
Weight difference = 0.797g

The weight difference of 0.797g indicates that some components of the unknown substance may have evaporated during the heating process. However, this alone does not confirm successful separation because the weight could have also increased due to a chemical reaction.

Next, we consider the absence of smoke during heating. If smoke were present, it would suggest that some components had burned rather than evaporated, indicating incomplete separation. The fact that no smoke rose indicates that the unknown substance did not undergo combustion.

Additionally, the color change from white to a slight yellow can provide some insights. A color change often indicates a chemical reaction, so if the color change occurred without smoke or charring, it suggests that a chemical change was responsible for the color transformation.

Based on the information provided, it is difficult to determine with certainty whether the students successfully separated the components of the mixture. The weight difference and color change indicate some change occurred, but further analysis is necessary to identify the specific components and confirm successful separation.