The diameter of a car tire is approximately 0.6meters. The warranty is good for 70,000 km. About how many revolutions will the tire make before the warranty is up? More than a million? a billion?

----------------------- my work
c=1.884 meters

1km=1000 meters
so 1.884 divided by 1000 = 0.001884 km?

So more than a billion revolutions? Is this correct?

70,000 = 7*10^4 km *10^3 m/km = 7*10^7 meters

7*10^7 meters/1.884 meters/rev = 3.72*10^7 rev

37,200,000 revolutions

37 million and 200 thousand

What does ^ mean?

^ means exponent

2^2 = 2 to the 2 power or squared
2^3 = 8
2^4 = 16 etc

To find out how many revolutions the tire will make before the warranty is up, you need to calculate the distance traveled by the tire in kilometers and then convert it to revolutions.

First, you need to find out the circumference (c) of the tire. The formula for the circumference of a circle is c = πd, where π is approximately 3.14 and d is the diameter of the circle. Given that the diameter of the tire is approximately 0.6 meters, you can calculate the circumference as follows:

c = 3.14 * 0.6
c = 1.884 meters

Next, you need to convert this measurement to kilometers since the warranty is given in kilometers. Since 1 kilometer equals 1000 meters, you can divide the circumference by 1000 to convert it to kilometers:

c = 1.884 / 1000
c = 0.001884 km

Now that you know the distance the tire travels in one revolution is approximately 0.001884 km, you can calculate the number of revolutions the tire will make before the warranty is up by dividing the total warranty distance (70,000 km) by the distance traveled in one revolution:

Number of revolutions = 70,000 km / 0.001884 km
Number of revolutions ≈ 37,150,423

Therefore, the tire will make approximately 37 million revolutions before the warranty is up. It is not in the billions as you initially suggested.