I posted this earlier and no one responded so I am going to try again.

I have to Distinguish between atomic physics and nuclear physics, so here is what i have.

which deals with the atom as a system of electron(s) and a nucleus and nuclear phys

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_physics See the second paragraph.



To distinguish between atomic physics and nuclear physics, let's break down the focus of each field:

1. Atomic Physics:
Atomic physics primarily deals with the study of atoms as a system of electrons and a nucleus. It primarily focuses on the behavior and properties of electrons within atoms and how they interact with each other and with electromagnetic radiation. Atomic physics also explores phenomena such as atomic spectroscopy, atomic collisions, and the structure of atoms.

To understand atomic physics in more detail, you can explore the following steps:

Step 1: Start with basic knowledge of atoms. Understand the structure of an atom, including its nucleus (composed of protons and neutrons) and electron clouds.
Step 2: Learn about atomic spectra and how different atoms emit or absorb specific wavelengths of light.
Step 3: Study atomic energy levels and electron configurations.
Step 4: Explore atomic transitions and electron interactions, including phenomena such as photoionization and electron scattering.

2. Nuclear Physics:
Nuclear physics, on the other hand, focuses on the study of the atomic nucleus, its structure, composition, and the forces that bind protons and neutrons together. It involves understanding nuclear reactions, nuclear decay processes, and the properties of particles and radiation emitted by atomic nuclei.

To grasp the fundamentals of nuclear physics, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin with a solid understanding of atomic nuclei, their composition, and the forces (like the strong nuclear force) that keep them stable or cause them to decay.
Step 2: Study different types of radioactive decay, including alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay.
Step 3: Explore nuclear reactions, such as fusion and fission, and the energy released during these processes.
Step 4: Learn about nuclear models and theories used to describe the behavior and properties of atomic nuclei.

By distinguishing the focus of each field and following the suggested steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of both atomic physics and nuclear physics.