A consumer agency wanted to investigate if four insurance companies differed with regard to the premiums they charge for auto insurance. The agency randomly selected a few auto drivers who were insured by each of these four companies and had similar driving records,autos, and insurance policies. The following table gives the premiums paid per month by these drivers insured with these four insurance companies.

Company A - 75 83 68 52

Company B - 59 75 100

Company C - 65 70 97 90 73

Company D - 76 60 52 58

Using the 5% significance level, test the null hypothesis that the mean auto insurance premium paid per month by all drivers insured by each of these four companies is the same.

To test the null hypothesis that the mean auto insurance premium paid per month by all drivers insured by each of these four companies is the same, we can use a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test.

The steps to perform the ANOVA test are as follows:

Step 1: State the null and alternative hypotheses:
- Null hypothesis (H0): The mean premiums paid per month by all drivers insured by each of these four companies are the same.
- Alternative hypothesis (Ha): The mean premiums paid per month by all drivers insured by each of these four companies are not the same.

Step 2: Calculate the sample means and variances for each insurance company:
- Calculate the sample mean for each insurance company:
- Company A: mean_A = (75 + 83 + 68 + 52) / 4 = 69.5
- Company B: mean_B = (59 + 75 + 100) / 3 = 78
- Company C: mean_C = (65 + 70 + 97 + 90 + 73) / 5 = 79
- Company D: mean_D = (76 + 60 + 52 + 58) / 4 = 61.5

- Calculate the sample variance for each insurance company:
- Company A: variance_A = sum((data - mean_A)^2) / (n_A - 1) = [(75-69.5)^2 + (83-69.5)^2 + (68-69.5)^2 + (52-69.5)^2] / (4-1) = 121.67
- Company B: variance_B = sum((data - mean_B)^2) / (n_B - 1) = [(59-78)^2 + (75-78)^2 + (100-78)^2] / (3-1) = 440
- Company C: variance_C = sum((data - mean_C)^2) / (n_C - 1) = [(65-79)^2 + (70-79)^2 + (97-79)^2 + (90-79)^2 + (73-79)^2] / (5-1) = 93.5
- Company D: variance_D = sum((data - mean_D)^2) / (n_D - 1) = [(76-61.5)^2 + (60-61.5)^2 + (52-61.5)^2 + (58-61.5)^2] / (4-1) = 81.0833

Step 3: Calculate the mean square between (MSB):
- Calculate the overall mean of all the premiums:
- mean_total = (mean_A * n_A + mean_B * n_B + mean_C * n_C + mean_D * n_D) / (n_A + n_B + n_C + n_D) = (69.5*4 + 78*3 + 79*5 + 61.5*4) / (4+3+5+4) = 71.954545

- Calculate the mean square between (MSB):
- MSB = sum(n_i * (mean_i - mean_total)^2) / (k-1) = (4*(69.5-71.954545)^2 + 3*(78-71.954545)^2 + 5*(79-71.954545)^2 + 4*(61.5-71.954545)^2) / (4-1) = 94.847144

(where n_i is the number of data points for insurance company i, mean_i is the mean premium for insurance company i, and k is the number of insurance companies)

Step 4: Calculate the mean square within (MSW):
- Calculate the mean square within (MSW):
- MSW = sum((n_i - 1) * variance_i) / (n_total - k) = ((4-1)*121.67 + (3-1)*440 + (5-1)*93.5 + (4-1)*81.0833) / (16-4) = 162.671313

(where variance_i is the variance of the premiums for insurance company i, n_total is the total number of data points, and k is the number of insurance companies)

Step 5: Calculate the F statistic:
- Calculate the F statistic:
- F = MSB / MSW = 94.847144 / 162.671313 = 0.582924

Step 6: Determine the critical value and make a decision:
- Look up the critical value from the F-distribution table using the degrees of freedom for the numerator (k-1) and the degrees of freedom for the denominator (n_total - k).
- Degrees of freedom numerator = k-1 = 4-1 = 3
- Degrees of freedom denominator = n_total - k = 16-4 = 12
- At a significance level of 5%, the critical value is approximately 3.8853.

- Compare the F statistic to the critical value:
- If F > critical value, reject the null hypothesis.
- If F <= critical value, fail to reject the null hypothesis.

In this case, since F (0.582924) is less than the critical value (3.8853), we fail to reject the null hypothesis. This means that there is not enough evidence to conclude that the mean auto insurance premiums paid per month by all drivers insured by each of these four companies are different.

To test the null hypothesis that the mean auto insurance premium paid per month by all drivers insured by each of these four companies is the same, we can use analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Step 1: Formulate the hypotheses:
- Null hypothesis (H0): The mean auto insurance premium paid per month is the same for all four insurance companies.
- Alternative hypothesis (Ha): The mean auto insurance premium paid per month differs for at least one pair of insurance companies.

Step 2: Calculate the necessary statistics:
- Calculate the mean, standard deviation, and sample size for each group (insurance company).
- Calculate the overall mean, overall standard deviation, and overall sample size.

For Company A:
Mean (x̄A) = (75 + 83 + 68 + 52) / 4 = 69.5
Standard deviation (sA) = √[((75-69.5)^2 + (83-69.5)^2 + (68-69.5)^2 + (52-69.5)^2) / (4-1)] = 11.26
Sample size (nA) = 4

For Company B:
Mean (x̄B) = (59 + 75 + 100) / 3 = 78
Standard deviation (sB) = √[((59-78)^2 + (75-78)^2 + (100-78)^2) / (3-1)] = 20.42
Sample size (nB) = 3

For Company C:
Mean (x̄C) = (65 + 70 + 97 + 90 + 73) / 5 = 79
Standard deviation (sC) = √[((65-79)^2 + (70-79)^2 + (97-79)^2 + (90-79)^2 + (73-79)^2) / (5-1)] = 12.72
Sample size (nC) = 5

For Company D:
Mean (x̄D) = (76 + 60 + 52 + 58) / 4 = 61.5
Standard deviation (sD) = √[((76-61.5)^2 + (60-61.5)^2 + (52-61.5)^2 + (58-61.5)^2) / (4-1)] = 8.83
Sample size (nD) = 4

Overall mean (x̄) = (x̄A * nA + x̄B * nB + x̄C * nC + x̄D * nD) / (nA + nB + nC + nD)

Overall standard deviation (s) = √[(sA^2 * (nA-1) + sB^2 * (nB-1) + sC^2 * (nC-1) + sD^2 * (nD-1)) / (nA + nB + nC + nD - 4)]

Overall sample size (N) = nA + nB + nC + nD

Step 3: Calculate the test statistic and critical value:
- Calculate the test statistic F using the formula F = (Overall mean - Group mean) / (Overall standard deviation / √(Overall sample size))

The degrees of freedom for the numerator = (Number of groups - 1) = 4 - 1 = 3
The degrees of freedom for the denominator = (Overall sample size - Number of groups) = (4 + 3 + 5 + 4) - 4 = 12

- Look up the critical value of F at the 5% level of significance with 3 and 12 degrees of freedom.

Step 4: Make a decision:
- If the calculated F-value is larger than the critical F-value, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference in mean auto insurance premiums among the four insurance companies.
- If the calculated F-value is smaller than the critical F-value, we fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is not enough evidence to support a significant difference in mean auto insurance premiums among the four insurance companies.

I leave the calculations to you. After calculating the necessary statistics and finding the critical F-value, compare the calculated F-value with the critical F-value to make a decision about the null hypothesis.