Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The uncertain digit is estimated between the last two markings.
B. Except for absorbance, most measurements contain significant figures and units.
C. All numbers should be recorded from a digital readout.
D. If an average of 4 trials is being calculated the "4" is infinitely significant.
E. All of these are true.

I would look at c as a possible answer.

If I divide 10/3 I get 3.33333333333333 on the calculator. And I should record all of those digits, meaning that all of them are always significant?

E all of these are true

well C is the wrong answer. Another 3 points i have to make up on the piratical D:

To determine which of the given statements is NOT true, we need to carefully evaluate each statement and identify any inconsistencies or inaccuracies.

Statement A: "The uncertain digit is estimated between the last two markings." This statement is accurate, as the uncertain digit in a measurement is typically estimated between the last two markings on the measuring instrument.

Statement B: "Except for absorbance, most measurements contain significant figures and units." This statement is also accurate. In scientific measurements, significant figures and units are important for communicating the precision and accuracy of the measurement. However, it specifies an exception for absorbance, which is not mentioned in the other statements.

Statement C: "All numbers should be recorded from a digital readout." This statement is not universally true since measurements can be obtained from various sources, such as analog instruments, scales, or manual calculations. Digital readouts provide precise values, but it is not always necessary or practical to record numbers exclusively from a digital readout.

Statement D: "If an average of 4 trials is being calculated, the '4' is infinitely significant." This statement is not true. When calculating an average, the number of trials being averaged does not affect the significant figures of the average. The "4" in this context would not be infinitely significant.

Now, if we assess the given options:

Option A is true.
Option B is true.
Option C is not true, as stated above.
Option D is not true, as stated above.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C: "All numbers should be recorded from a digital readout."