What is the definition of an antecedent?

It's the word (almost always a noun) to which a pronoun refers.

All students are to be in their seats by the first bell.

"their" is the pronoun; "students" is the antecedent.

Thank you!

You're very welcome.


An antecedent refers to something that comes before or precedes another thing. This term is commonly used in grammar and linguistics to describe the word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers. To find the definition of an antecedent, you can follow these steps:

1. Consult a dictionary: Look up the word "antecedent" in a reliable dictionary. An online dictionary such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary can provide you with a concise definition.

2. Check grammar resources: Grammar books or websites that cover pronouns and their antecedents will explain the concept in detail. Many grammar resources also include examples to help clarify the meaning.

3. Understand pronoun-antecedent relationship: To fully comprehend the concept of antecedents, it is important to study how pronouns (such as "he," "she," "it," "they," etc.) refer back to antecedents in sentences. Understanding this relationship will help you grasp the definition more effectively.

By following these steps, you should be able to understand the definition of an antecedent and its usage in both grammar and other contexts.