Find the prepositional phrase and is it used as an adjective or adverb?

Coral near the water's surface is beautiful but very fragile.

Study this site carefully.

What do you think is the prepositional phrase?

Is it near the water's

near the water's surface

near is the preposition
surface is the object of the preposition

is it used as an adverb

No, it's used as an adjective, modifying "Coral"

To find the prepositional phrase in the sentence, we need to locate a preposition and the noun or pronoun that follows it. In this sentence, the preposition is "near" and the noun phrase that follows it is "the water's surface."

The prepositional phrase in this sentence is "near the water's surface."

Now, let's determine if it is used as an adjective or adverb. In this case, the prepositional phrase is used to provide information about the noun "coral." It tells us the location of the coral. Since it is modifying the noun "coral," the prepositional phrase is functioning as an adjective. Specifically, it tells us where the coral is located - near the water's surface.