1) Walt Whitman's writing style can be best described as a. bold and confident b. folsky and charming c. elegant and refined d. elevated and sublime

2)unlike whitman, emily dickinson was a. a world traveler b. private and shy c. people-oriented d. involved in social causes

3) an important similarity shared by whitman and dickinson is their a.fondness for big-city living b. oscurity during their lifetime c. rejection by the literary community d. abandonment of literary conventions

4) Whitman's feeling about his own poems are best revealed by a.instructions to have them destroyed b. refusal to publish hem until after his death c.decision to self-publish at his own expense d. pursuit of other occupations he considered more worthwhile

5) Dickinson's poetry is noted for its a. historical value b. errors in word usage c. precise language d. epic sweep

6) Dickinson did not achieve fame during her lifetime largely because a. she disagreed with the way her work was edited b. her poetry was published only after her death c. her poetry was banned d. she believed poetry was not meant to be published

7) which of the following statements best describes the influence of dickinson and whitman on later poets? a.later poets felt inferior and stopped writing b. after dickinson and whitman's time, poets were treared with great respect c. the poetry of dickinson and whitman moved people to social action d. later poets were more open to experimentation

8)whitman's style and technique are besed on cedence, which can be defined as the a. regular rhyme and rhythms used in ballads and epic poems b. rhythm and long sweeps of sound used by great speakers c. use of exact rhymes, as in Romantic poetry d. use of iambic pentameter, in the manner of William Shakespeare

i already solved these questions, but i am not sure of the answers so can you please tell if my answers are right

I'm not sure about #4.

And in #8, what is the 8th word?

All others seem correct.

oh sorry it's cadence not cedence ... thank you


Let me know what you think about #8.

ohhh!! mmmm is it b?

no no .. i think its a ryt??

so is #8 (a) or (b)?

#8 is a.

merci <3 :D

Based on your answers, here is a breakdown of whether they are correct or not:

1) Walt Whitman's writing style can be best described as:
Your answer: a. bold and confident
Correct answer: a. bold and confident

2) Unlike Whitman, Emily Dickinson was:
Your answer: b. private and shy
Correct answer: b. private and shy

3) An important similarity shared by Whitman and Dickinson is their:
Your answer: d. abandonment of literary conventions
Correct answer: b. obscurity during their lifetime

4) Whitman's feeling about his own poems is best revealed by:
Your answer: c. decision to self-publish at his own expense
Correct answer: b. refusal to publish them until after his death

5) Dickinson's poetry is noted for its:
Your answer: c. precise language
Correct answer: c. precise language

6) Dickinson did not achieve fame during her lifetime largely because:
Your answer: b. her poetry was published only after her death
Correct answer: c. her poetry was banned

7) Which of the following statements best describes the influence of Dickinson and Whitman on later poets?
Your answer: d. later poets were more open to experimentation
Correct answer: d. later poets were more open to experimentation

8) Whitman's style and technique are based on "cedence", which can be defined as:
Your answer: d. use of iambic pentameter, in the manner of William Shakespeare
Correct answer: b. rhythm and long sweeps of sound used by great speakers

Based on this evaluation, your answers to questions 3 and 4 are incorrect. The correct answers are b and a respectively. The rest of your answers are correct.

i do have one more question...

Whitman's use of cadence forms the basis of his a. rhymes b.essays c.sonnets d.free verse

is the correst answer (d)?