the fraction 1/6 as an equivalent fraction with denominator 12x

To find an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 12x, we need to multiply both the numerator and denominator of the original fraction by a suitable number.

First, let's determine the value we need to multiply the denominator by to get 12x. We can find this by dividing 12x by the current denominator, which is 6.

(12x) รท (6) = 2x

Now, we multiply both the numerator and denominator of 1/6 by 2x to get the equivalent fraction:

(1/6) * (2x/2x) = (2x/12x)

So, the equivalent fraction of 1/6 with a denominator of 12x is 2x/12x.

To find an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 12x, you need to multiply both the numerator and denominator of the given fraction (1/6) by the appropriate value.

Step 1: Start with the given fraction, 1/6.

Step 2: To get a denominator of 12x, you need to multiply the original denominator, 6, by 2x. Multiply the numerator by the same value.

(1/6) * (2x/2x) = (2x/12x)

Therefore, the equivalent fraction of 1/6 with a denominator of 12x is 2x/12x.

1/6 = y/(12x)

6 y = 12 x
y = 2x
2x / 12x