My third grade is needing help with his science homework please

the question is as follow

List as many resources as you can that you use during one day?


To help your third grader list as many resources as they use in a day, we can think about the different items or materials they use throughout their daily activities. Here are some suggestions:

1. Pencils and paper: These are common resources used in school for writing and drawing.
2. Textbooks and study materials: Your third grader might use textbooks or study guides to complete their assignments.
3. Computers and tablets: Many students use electronic devices for research, typing, or accessing online learning platforms.
4. Books: Besides textbooks, your third grader might read storybooks or reference books.
5. Stationery supplies: This includes items like erasers, rulers, markers, scissors, and glue.
6. Art supplies: If your third grader has art classes, they may use paints, brushes, colored pencils, or crayons.
7. Calculators: In math class, they may use calculators for calculations.
8. Science materials: If your child has science experiments or activities, they might need resources like magnifying glasses, microscopes, or chemicals.
9. Sports equipment: If your child participates in physical education or after-school sports, they might use balls, bats, helmets, or other equipment.
10. Musical instruments: If your third grader is learning to play an instrument, they may use a guitar, piano, or flute.

Encourage your child to think about their daily routine and what items they interact with. They can make a list of resources they use during the day by focusing on different activities like school, hobbies, sports, or other interests.