take the first definition then double one letter to spell a word

Slang word for a police officer - cop
A place wher chickens are kept - coop

Your male boy -
before long -

A written sales pitch -
To put two and two together
longing for something to happen -
jumping up and down on one foot -

son, soon

What do you think the other two pairs are. Hint: a written sales pitch has only two letters.

take the first definiton then double the consanant you idiot

Q. Your male boy - before long -

To find the word, we can first identify the words "your male boy" and "before long".

The first word "your male boy" refers to the possessive form of a male child. We can rearrange the letters and double one of them to form a word.

One possible word that can be formed is "son" by doubling the letter 'o'.

The second part "before long" implies a time in the future or soon. We are looking for a word that starts with the letter 's' and has a similar sound.

By combining the two parts, the word is "soon". We can double the 'o' in "son" to form "soon".

Therefore, the answer is "soon".

Q. A written sales pitch - To put two and two together
To get the answer, we need to identify the words "a written sales pitch" and "to put two and two together".

The phrase "a written sales pitch" refers to a description or presentation intended to persuade someone to buy a product or service. We need to find a word that starts with the letter 'a' and has a similar meaning.

The phrase "to put two and two together" means to deduce or understand something logical or obvious. We are looking for a word that starts with the letter 'a' and has a similar meaning.

By combining the two parts, the word is "assume". We can double the 's' in "assume" to form "assume".

Thus, the answer is "assume".

Q. Longing for something to happen - Jumping up and down on one foot
To find the word, we can identify the phrases "longing for something to happen" and "jumping up and down on one foot."

The phrase "longing for something to happen" implies a strong desire or wish for an event or outcome. We are searching for a word that starts with the letter 'p' and shares a similar meaning.

The phrase "jumping up and down on one foot" refers to an action of hopping or bouncing on a single foot. We need to find a word that starts with the letter 'p' and has a similar meaning.

By combining the two parts, the word is "praying". We can double the 'i' in "praying" to form "praying".

Hence, the answer is "praying".