
a third as steep

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To find a line that is a third as steep as the line y = 2x - 5, we need to determine the slope of the original line and divide it by 3.

The slope-intercept form of a linear equation is y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line.

In the equation y = 2x - 5, the coefficient of x is 2, which represents the slope of the line.

To make the line a third as steep, we divide the slope by 3:

Original slope = 2
New slope = 2 / 3

Therefore, the equation for a line that is a third as steep as y = 2x - 5 is represented by:

y = (2 / 3)x + b

Here, b represents the y-intercept of the line, which may be different from the original line unless specified.

To determine a line that is a third as steep as the line given by the equation y = 2x - 5, we need to find the equation of a line with a slope that is a third of the given slope.

The slope of the line given by the equation y = 2x - 5 is 2. To find a slope that is a third of 2, we can divide 2 by 3.

2/3 is the new slope that we need to use to find the equation of the line that is a third as steep.

Now, let's find the equation of the line with a slope of 2/3:

y = (2/3)x + b

To determine the value of b, we need to use the fact that the line passes through the point where x = 0 and y = -5 (from the given equation).

Substituting these values into the equation:

-5 = (2/3)(0) + b


-5 = 0 + b
b = -5

Therefore, the equation of the line that is a third as steep as y = 2x - 5 is:

y = (2/3)x - 5