A wind began to blow, and he shivered. With all his strength he tried to hold and to understand the mood that had come upon him. In that high place in the darkness the two oddly sensitive human atoms held each other tightly and waited. In the mind of each was the same thought. “I have come to this lonely place, and here is this other,” was the substance of the thing thought.

Which word best describes the style of the story?

I can think of several.

Which one will you choose?

To determine the word that best describes the style of the story, we need to analyze the passage provided. The passage portrays a scene in which two individuals are in a high and dark place, experiencing a strong wind and shivering. The writer emphasizes the characters' emotions and thoughts, particularly their sense of loneliness and connection with each other.

Based on this description, a word that could best describe the style of the story is "introspective." The passage focuses on the characters' internal experiences, their thoughts, and emotions rather than objective external events. The writing style encourages readers to delve into the characters' minds, providing insights into their inner complexities.