How would I simplify the complex fraction:


? Thanks

3/x^3 divided by 1/x^2

is this your problem?

instead of dividing, invert and multiply

3/x^3 * x^2/1 = 3x^2/x^3 = 3x^-1 = 3/x

-6/8 - 6/8 =

To simplify the given complex fraction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Flip the denominator of the complex fraction.
Change 3/x^3/1/x^2 to 3/x^3 * x^2/1.

Step 2: Multiply the numerators and denominators.
Multiply the numerators to get 3 * x^2, and multiply the denominators to get x^3 * 1.

Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction.
Combine the terms in the numerator to get 3x^2 and the terms in the denominator to get x^3.

Therefore, the simplified form of the complex fraction 3/x^3/1/x^2 is 3x^2/x^3.