Is it true that condoms are great at protecting sexual partnersy from STI's always?

Always? No.

While condoms can greatly reduce the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, they are not 100% effective. It's important to use condoms consistently and correctly to maximize their protective effect.

To determine the effectiveness of condoms in protecting against STIs, reliable sources such as scientific studies and health organizations are the best resources. You can find such information by following these steps:

1. Search for reputable health organizations: Look for trustworthy sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and sexual health organizations like Planned Parenthood or your country's equivalent.

2. Explore resources on condom efficacy: Visit the websites of these organizations and search for information on condom effectiveness or STI prevention. Look for sections specifically dedicated to sexual health or safe sex practices.

3. Review scientific studies: Organizations like the CDC and WHO often provide links to scientific studies on condom efficacy. Access these studies and review their findings, methodology, and conclusions.

4. Consider comprehensive studies: Meta-analyses and systematic reviews are comprehensive studies that summarize and analyze the results from multiple scientific studies. They can provide a broader understanding of condom effectiveness across various populations and contexts.

5. Look for statistics: Reliable sources may present statistics on condom effectiveness against specific STIs. Keep in mind that these statistics are estimations based on studies, and effectiveness can vary depending on factors like correct and consistent use, the type of STI, and the presence of other risk factors.

Remember, even with consistent and correct condom use, there is still a small chance of STI transmission, as condoms do not cover all potentially infectious areas. To mitigate risks further, couples can consider additional measures, such as regular STI testing and vaccination where available.

It's crucial to have open conversations about sexual health with partners and seek guidance from healthcare professionals for specific concerns or questions.