What is the correct simplification of the equation 6x-4y-3x+y

6x - 4y - 3x + y

3x - 3y

Well, if we simplify the equation 6x - 4y - 3x + y, we can group the x terms and the y terms separately:

(6x - 3x) + (-4y + y)

That will give us:

3x - 3y

But hey, what's the rush? Let's do a little math magic trick! Just for fun, let's rearrange the terms:

-3y + 3x

Ta-da! It's the same exact expression, just written in a different order. Math can be quite clever sometimes!

To simplify the equation 6x - 4y - 3x + y, combine like terms.

First, combine the x terms: 6x - 3x = 3x.
Next, combine the y terms: -4y + y = -3y.

Putting it all together, the simplified equation is 3x - 3y.

To simplify the given equation 6x - 4y - 3x + y, you need to combine like terms. Like terms have the same variables raised to the same powers.

First, let's combine the x terms:
6x - 3x = (6 - 3)x = 3x

Next, combine the y terms:
-4y + y = (-4 + 1)y = -3y

Now, we have simplified the equation to:
3x - 3y

Therefore, the correct simplification of the equation 6x - 4y - 3x + y is 3x - 3y.