How would you write the plural possessive for this sentence: In the rodent room, they saw the (mouse) cages.

To write the plural possessive form for the sentence "In the rodent room, they saw the (mouse) cages," you would use the following steps:

1. Identify the noun that needs to be plural and possessive. In this case, the noun is "mouse."

2. Make the noun plural by adding the letter "s" to the end of the word. "Mouse" becomes "mice."

3. To make the plural noun possessive, add an apostrophe after the "s." So, "mice" becomes "mice's."

4. Finally, incorporate the plural possessive noun into the sentence. The revised sentence would be: "In the rodent room, they saw the mice's cages."

By following these steps, you can create the correct plural possessive form for the given sentence.

The plural of mouse is mice. To make mice possessive, add an apostrophe and s.

mice's cages

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