The support wire for a sign meets the wall and the overhang as shown below. If m<2=42 degrees, find m<1. Explain your reasoning.

jonna and elizabeth found a level campsite and pitched thier tent as shown below.if m <2 explain your reasoning


To find m<1, we need to analyze the given diagram.

Let's start by labeling the given angles to make our explanation clearer. We'll label m<1 as angle A and m<2 as angle B.

According to the information provided, we know that m<2 (angle B) is 42 degrees.

Looking at the diagram, we can identify two parallel lines: the support wire (which can be considered as a horizontal line) and the overhang (which can be considered as a slanted line).

When two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal (in this case, the support wire), we can use the properties of alternate interior angles to determine angle A (m<1).

Alternate interior angles are formed on opposite sides of the transversal and on the inside of the parallel lines. In this case, angle B (m<2) and angle A (m<1) are alternate interior angles.

The key property to consider is that alternate interior angles are congruent (they have the same measure).

Since we know that m<2 (angle B) is 42 degrees, we can conclude that angle A (m<1) must also be 42 degrees.

Therefore, m<1 (angle A) is also 42 degrees.

In summary, to find m<1, we used the property of alternate interior angles. Since m<2 (angle B) is given to be 42 degrees, we concluded that m<1 (angle A) must also be 42 degrees.