What disease is caused when cells in body divide too rapidly by mitosis?

It has been suggested that both certain types of cancer and Alzheimers have a relationship to mitotic disease.

1. Cancer
2. Elephantiosis (spelling?)The Elephant Man Is a good example, and movie.
3. Osteocytosis (litteraly, bone + cell + problem), also called "Creepers Disease".

The disease caused by the rapid division of cells through mitosis is cancer. Cancer is a broad term that encompasses a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. When the cells divide too quickly and in an uncontrolled manner, they form masses or tumors that can damage surrounding tissues and organs.

It is important to note that cancer is not directly related to other diseases like elephantiasis or osteocytosis. Elephantiasis is a condition caused by parasitic worms that block the lymphatic system, leading to severe swelling and enlargement of body parts. Osteocytosis, also known as "Creepers Disease", is a fictional term and not a recognized medical condition.

To properly understand and differentiate between different diseases, it is recommended to consult medical professionals, refer to reliable sources, or conduct further research using reputable websites or medical journals.