Have to draw a parallelogram that is not a rectangle with a base of 6cm and a hieght of 4cm

A parallelogram is a four sided figure with its opposite sides parallel to each other.

A rectangle is a parallelogram whose four angles are all 90'

so draw a parallelogram such that the sides, (width), are parallel to each other but NOT perpendicular to the base (so the 90 degree angles are not formed)

hope this helps


To draw a parallelogram that is not a rectangle with a base of 6 cm and a height of 4 cm, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line segment of 6 cm in length. This will be the base of the parallelogram.

2. From one endpoint of the base, draw a vertical line segment of 4 cm in length. This will be the height of the parallelogram.

3. From the other endpoint of the base, draw a line segment parallel to the first vertical line segment. The length of this line segment should also be 4 cm.

4. Connect the endpoints of the two vertical line segments with two diagonal lines. These lines should be parallel to the base and of equal length.

5. Finally, erase any unnecessary construction lines and you will have a parallelogram with a base of 6 cm and a height of 4 cm.

Remember, the opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel, so make sure your diagonals are drawn correctly and maintain their parallelism to the base.

Feel free to use a ruler and a pencil to ensure accuracy in your drawing.