I asked this question a few days ago-

and several tutors said there is no
one correct answer. There has to be one answer better,because I can only mark one answer.

For many children,the development
of their imagination affects the development of:

A. empathy
B. literacy
C. intellect
D. parallel play skills

This is what my text states:

Activities that emphasize multicultural education(such as using the music or learning the dances of other cultures and countries)or that enhance a respect
for the environment or the world's
creatres can have a significant impact
on young children. For such activities
to do so,the imagination must play a
large role. To feel empathy,one must
be able to imagine what it is like to
be someone else.

Would (A)empathy- be the best answer?

Yes, in that context, A is the best answer.

But as we discussed a day or two ago, some of these questions aren't very well worded. (Example: the question that assumed that low-income teachers were deficient in language skills.)

No, I would choose D

Based on the information provided in your question and the text that you mentioned, it seems that (A) empathy would be the best answer.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the information given in the text. The text states that activities emphasizing multicultural education or promoting respect for the environment and world's creatures can have a significant impact on young children, and for these activities to be effective, the imagination must play a large role. It further explains that to feel empathy, one must be able to imagine what it is like to be someone else.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the development of imagination is closely tied to the development of empathy. By engaging in imaginative activities, children can develop the ability to put themselves in others' shoes and understand their feelings and experiences.

It is important to note that multiple answers might seem plausible, but based on the given information, empathy appears to be the most relevant development affected by the development of imagination.