Compare the following objects in the our Solar System in terms of 1. Where they are located and 2. What they are composed of :

Terrestrial planets
Jovian planets

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To compare the objects in the solar system in terms of their location and composition, we'll take a look at each object individually:

1. The Sun:
- Location: The Sun is located at the center of our solar system, and all other objects orbit around it.
- Composition: The Sun is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with smaller amounts of other elements.

2. Terrestrial Planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars):
- Location: Terrestrial planets are the inner rocky planets of our solar system, located closer to the Sun.
- Composition: Terrestrial planets are mainly composed of rocks and metals, with a solid or molten core.

3. Jovian Planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune):
- Location: Jovian planets are the gas giants located in the outer regions of the solar system, further away from the Sun.
- Composition: Jovian planets are predominantly composed of gases, primarily hydrogen and helium, with smaller amounts of other elements. They also have a relatively small rocky core.

4. Asteroids:
- Location: Asteroids are rocky objects found in the asteroid belt, which is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
- Composition: Asteroids are composed of rocks, metals, and sometimes ice.

5. Comets:
- Location: Comets are objects that have elongated orbits, usually originating from the outer regions of the solar system.
- Composition: Comets consist of a nucleus (a solid core) composed of ice, dust, and rocky material. When heated by the Sun, comets develop a glowing coma (a cloud of gas) around the nucleus and sometimes exhibit a tail.

6. Meteoroids:
- Location: Meteoroids are small rocky or metallic objects that exist throughout the solar system.
- Composition: Meteoroids are composed of various rocks and metals.

To summarize, the Sun is at the center, terrestrial planets are located closer to the Sun and made of rocks and metals, Jovian planets are located further out and mainly composed of gases, asteroids can be found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, comets have elongated orbits originating from the outer regions and consist of ice and rocky material, and meteoroids are small rocky objects scattered throughout the solar system.