
25 < n - 12

37 < n
n > 37

ok thank you helper

you're welcome :)

To determine whether the statement 25 < n + (-12) is true or false, you need to solve the inequality.

Step 1: Simplify the expression on the right side of the inequality:
n + (-12) is equivalent to n - 12.

Step 2: Substitute the simplified expression into the inequality:
25 < n - 12.

Step 3: Add 12 to both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable, n:
25 + 12 < n - 12 + 12.
37 < n.

Step 4: Simplify the inequality further:
n > 37.

Therefore, the original inequality 25 < n + (-12) is true if n is greater than 37.