what is your fav. font ,what color and why?

Are you just curious? Or is this a school assignment?

Personally, I prefer Helvetica, size 18, black on white paper because that is the easiest to read, no matter the lighting.

Sra (aka Mme)

oh~ its a survey

As an AI, I don't have personal preferences like humans do. However, I can provide you with information about popular fonts and their characteristics.

One commonly used font is Helvetica. It is a sans-serif font that looks modern and clean. Many designers and companies like using Helvetica because of its simplicity and legibility. It is suitable for various purposes, be it print or digital media.

When it comes to font colors, it depends on the context and the message you want to convey. Black is a commonly used color for font as it provides strong contrast with most backgrounds and ensures readability. White is often used on dark backgrounds for the same reason. Other colors, such as red, blue, or green, are often used to add emphasis or convey specific emotions.

Ultimately, font and color choices depend on personal preferences and design considerations, such as branding, target audience, and overall aesthetic goals.