A term for research procedures that test some sort of stimulus as a proxy for a new, revised, or remarketed product or service.

A. experience survey
B. situational analysis
C. thematic apperception test
D. concept test

I've eliminated A and C but can't seem to find enough info on B or D to make a decision. It sounds like B would be the choice, but I'm just not sure.

I believe you're right, that it's B. This article gives a different explanation of a concept test.



I have another question...

One study found that passengers flying on Boeing-747s preferred them to L-1011s, while passengers flying on L-1011s preferred them to Boeing-747s. This is an example of:
A. random sampling error.
B. social desirability bias.
C. administration error – sample selection error.
D. response bias.

Isn't B and D the same? So would this be an example of C because A doesn't apply?

To determine the correct answer, let's go through the process of elimination for options B and D.

B. Situational analysis: A situational analysis refers to the process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information about the current situation or environment in which a company operates. It focuses on understanding the external and internal factors that may affect the success of a product or service, but it does not directly involve testing a stimulus as a proxy for a new, revised, or remarketed product or service. Therefore, we can eliminate option B.

D. Concept test: A concept test is a research procedure used to evaluate the viability and acceptance of a new product or service idea before it is fully developed and launched in the market. It involves presenting the concept to a target audience and gathering their feedback or reactions to assess its potential success. Based on the description given, testing a stimulus as a proxy for a new, revised, or remarketed product or service aligns more closely with the concept test. Therefore, option D seems to be the most fitting choice.

Based on this analysis, it is reasonable to select option D, concept test, as the answer.