Graph the function by plotting by points f(x)=1/4x+12. Thank you. You'll never know how much your help means to me. Thank you.

Plot in the same way as I described previously. In this case you might want to have two lines to calculate f(x). Find 1/4(x) in the first line and then add 12 in the next line.

Do I plot (1,4) and (0,12)? I'm sorry, that wasn't very clear to me. Can you be a little more specific, Please? Thank you so very much!

To plot on graph paper write a row of x values across the paper, say

-6,-4,-2, 0, 2, 4

then write below it 1/4(x) values, so

-1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, etc.

In the next line add 12 to the values in the line above

10.5, 11, 11.5, 12 etc.

Then plot these pairs on graph paper

(-6, 10.5), (-4, 11) etc.

check my maths though!

To graph the function f(x) = (1/4)x + 12, you need to plot several points and connect them with a straight line. Here's how you can do it:

1. Choose some x-values, such as -4, 0, and 4, to find the corresponding y-values. Plug these x-values into the equation to evaluate f(x). Let's calculate the y-values for these x-values:

For x = -4:
f(-4) = (1/4)(-4) + 12 = -1 + 12 = 11
This gives us the coordinate (-4, 11).

For x = 0:
f(0) = (1/4)(0) + 12 = 0 + 12 = 12
This gives us the coordinate (0, 12).

For x = 4:
f(4) = (1/4)(4) + 12 = 1 + 12 = 13
This gives us the coordinate (4, 13).

2. Plot the three coordinates (-4, 11), (0, 12), and (4, 13) on a Cartesian plane.

3. Once you have plotted these points, draw a straight line connecting them. Remember, this line represents the graph of the function f(x) = (1/4)x + 12.

Your graph should look like a straight line that slants upward to the right. The line passes through the points (-4, 11), (0, 12), and (4, 13).

I'm glad I could help you, and I appreciate your kind words! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.