What is an anencephalic child mean ?

Could someone please explian this thanks:)

An anencephalic child is a term used to describe a baby who is born without a major portion of their brain and skull. The condition is caused by a neural tube defect during fetal development, where the neural tube fails to close properly.

To understand this condition further, you can follow these steps to gather more information:

1. Consult medical resources: Look up reputable medical websites or textbooks to get a detailed understanding of anencephaly. These sources often contain concise and accurate explanations, supplemented with medical diagrams or illustrations.

2. Search medical databases: Explore medical databases such as PubMed, Medline, or Google Scholar to find relevant scientific studies, journal articles, or case reports on anencephalic infants. These sources will provide specific information about the condition, its causes, prognosis, and potential treatments or interventions.

3. Consult healthcare professionals: Reach out to healthcare professionals such as doctors, pediatricians, or genetic counselors. They possess specialized knowledge and firsthand experience in dealing with anencephaly and can offer accurate explanations tailored to your specific inquiries.

4. Connect with support organizations: Seek out support organizations related to anencephaly, such as the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) or the Anencephaly Foundation. These organizations can provide information, resources, and support for families affected by this condition and help clarify any questions you may have.

Remember, while acquiring information from reliable sources is essential, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for accurate and personalized explanations regarding anencephaly or any medical condition.