Breach of confidentiality could have which consequence ?

Ethical or legal Legal only
Ethical only Licensure revocation

I think you could have ethical and legal consequences

am I right ?

Yes, you are correct. Breach of confidentiality can have both ethical and legal consequences.

Ethical consequences refer to the breach of professional ethics and codes of conduct. It can damage trust and relationships with clients or patients, leading to a loss of credibility and reputation. Ethically, a breach of confidentiality can be seen as a violation of the basic right to privacy and can potentially harm individuals emotionally or financially.

Legal consequences refer to violations of specific laws or regulations governing confidentiality. Depending on the jurisdiction and the specific nature of the breach, legal consequences can range from fines and penalties to legal action, which may result in compensatory or punitive damages.

It should be noted that licensure revocation is a specific consequence that may be imposed as a disciplinary measure by certain professional regulatory bodies. This consequence would typically apply to individuals who have breached confidentiality in a manner that is severe or repeated, and it would not necessarily apply to all cases of breach of confidentiality.

In summary, breach of confidentiality can have both ethical and legal consequences, which may vary depending on the severity of the breach and the specific circumstances involved.