Hi, I need help on answering this question:

To what extent did foreign affairs shape American domestic politics in the 1790s?

I know about the competing visions between Hamilton and Jefferson as well as the British and the French... But i'm lost. i don't know which side to pick or to even talk about.


Read carefully.


thanks but i'm still lost...

When addressing a question like this, it's important to consider various factors and perspectives. Here's how you can approach answering the question:

1. Identify key events: Start by listing significant foreign affairs events that occurred in the 1790s. This could include the French Revolution, the conflicts between Britain and France, the Jay Treaty with Britain, and the XYZ Affair with France.

2. Analyze domestic consequences: Consider how each foreign affair event had implications on American domestic politics. Think about the different viewpoints and reactions that emerged within the country. For example, the French Revolution divided Americans into pro-French and pro-British factions, which influenced their attitudes toward domestic politics.

3. Hamiltonian vs. Jeffersonian perspectives: Explore the competing visions of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, two prominent figures in American politics during the 1790s. Hamilton, as the Secretary of the Treasury, advocated for a strong central government and closer ties with Britain, while Jefferson, as the Secretary of State, favored limited government and greater alignment with France.

4. Discuss consequences on policy: Analyze how foreign affairs influenced domestic policies during this period. For instance, the ongoing conflicts between Britain and France led Washington's administration to issue the Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793, attempting to keep America out of European conflicts.

5. Evaluate the extent of influence: Once you have analyzed the different viewpoints and consequences, assess to what extent foreign affairs shaped American domestic politics in the 1790s. Consider whether foreign policy concerns dominated national discourse or were just one of many factors that influenced American politics during that time.

Remember, the purpose of this essay is to provide a comprehensive analysis. Try to cover all relevant perspectives and support your arguments with evidence and examples.