i need help solveing crossword puzzle

this is not math question this is english subject

you have to post the question you need help with

Please post two of your clues and the number of letters in each word. I'll try to help you if you post your question in the next 20 minutes.

ok use audi,audit = hear, listen

2. an examined and verified account
4. that is heard or that can be heard
5. a tryout
6. the sense of hearing
7 a large building for public meetings or performances
8. a tape recording of sound
9. both audible and visual

1. the act of hearing or attending
3. impossible to hear
4. able to be heard
5. a way of learning language by listening and speaking

this is all crossword puzzle and i need help thankyou

I'll get you started. Then you're on your own.

2. audit
5. audition
9. audio-visual

1. auditory
5. oral-aural

which is i say they are say in paper latin bases audi, audit = hear,listen what is this mean i have to use this

Of course! I'd be happy to help you solve your crossword puzzle. Here are a few steps you can take to approach the task:

1. Start with the easier clues: Look for clues that you can confidently answer right away. These could be clues with short answers or those that refer to common knowledge.
2. Fill in the blanks: If you have a few letters of an answer already, try to think of words that could fit based on those letters. Consider the length of the word and any known letters from intersecting words.
3. Use cross-referencing: Look for clues that intersect with the ones you've already answered. By drawing from the letters you've filled in, you can narrow down possible answers for other clues.
4. Seek context and wordplay: Some crossword clues involve wordplay, puns, or indirect references. Try to think creatively and consider alternative meanings or interpretations. Consider the context of the clue and look for any hints or wordplay within the clue itself.
5. Utilize resources: If you're still stuck, there are resources available to assist you. Crossword puzzle dictionaries, online databases, and even crossword-solving apps can provide clues and possible solutions.

By following these steps, you should have a good foundation for systematically solving your crossword puzzle. Remember to be patient and enjoy the process! If you have any specific clues you need help with, feel free to provide them, and I'll do my best to assist you.