If you forget the product of 9 and 9, what can you do to figure it out?

Use a calculator.

Or better yet -- remember that the digits of the product or 9 times any number will always add up to 9.

18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90

Another way is to multiply 9 * 10 = 90 and subtract 9 from 90.



To figure out the product of 9 and 9, you can use multiplication, which is the operation of repeated addition. In this case, you would need to add nine to itself (or multiply 9 by 2) nine times.

Alternatively, you can use a calculator or a search engine to quickly find the answer. Simply type "9 * 9" into the calculator or search bar, and it will provide you with the product, which is 81.

If you don't have access to a calculator or search engine, you can also use a multiplication table to find the answer. Locate the row labeled "9" and the column labeled "9" in the table. The cell where the row and column intersect will show you the product, which is 81.