A music downloading website reports that nearly 5 out of 7 songs are pop music. According to this infomation how many of the next 500 songs are pop music?. Round it to the nearest whole number.

To find out the number of pop songs out of the next 500 songs, we can use the given ratio of 5 out of 7.

1. Calculate the ratio of pop songs to the total number of songs: 5/7

2. Divide the ratio by 7 to get the fraction of pop songs: 5/7 ÷ 7 = 5/49

3. Multiply the fraction of pop songs by 500 to find the number of pop songs in the next 500 songs: (5/49) * 500 = 250/49

4. Round the result to the nearest whole number: 250/49 ≈ 5

Therefore, approximately 5 of the next 500 songs are expected to be pop music.

To determine how many of the next 500 songs are pop music, we first need to find the fraction of songs that are pop music. The website reports that nearly 5 out of 7 songs are pop music, which means the ratio is approximately 5:7.

To find the fraction of songs that are pop music, we can divide 5 by the sum of 5 and 7, which gives us 5/12.

Next, we can find the number of pop songs in the next 500 songs by multiplying the fraction of pop songs (5/12) by the total number of songs (500):

(5/12) * 500 = 208.33

To round to the nearest whole number, we can round up if the fraction is 0.5 or greater. In this case, the decimal portion is 0.33, which is less than 0.5, so we round down.

Therefore, the number of pop songs in the next 500 songs is approximately 208 songs.

(5/7) * 500 = 2500/7 = ?