Need to identify five adverbs in this paragraph. I think I am correct but would like a second opinion. Thanks for your thoughts.

LITTLE FOCKERS is the “continued” (adverb) antics of Greg and Pam Focker (Ben Stiller and Teri Polo) who “now” (adverb) have two kids Samantha and Henry. Pam’s ex-CIA father Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro) is suffering from some heart problems and is concerned as to who to put in charge of his family’s well being should he pass away. Due to the “recent” (Adverb) infidelity of Pam’s sister’s husband Dr. Bob, and their divorce, Jack becomes suspicious of Greg’s late “night” (Adverb) encounters with Andi Garcia (Jessica Alba), a drug rep offering Greg the opportunity to sponsor an erectile dysfunction pill designed for heart patients. Greg and Jack spar “off” (adverb) of each other as Jack stalks and questions Greg’s commitment to his family.

continued = adjective, modifying "antics"

recent = adjective, modifying "infidelity"

late-night (needs hyphen, but no quotation marks) = adjective, modifying "encounters"

The others are correct.

Ok thanks, so there are only two avderbs in this entire paragraph?

The adverbs in the paragraph are "continued," "now," "recent," "late," and "off."

To identify adverbs, you need to look for words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Adverbs typically answer questions such as how, when, where, or to what extent.

Here is how each adverb is being used in the paragraph:

1. "Continued" modifies the verb "is" to describe the nature of the movie's antics.
2. "Now" modifies the verb "have" to indicate the present time.
3. "Recent" modifies the noun "infidelity" to indicate the timing of the event.
4. "Late" modifies the noun "encounters" to indicate the timing of the encounters.
5. "Off" modifies the verb "spar" to describe the location or direction of the sparring.

Based on this analysis, your initial identification of the five adverbs appears to be correct.