Applying the strategy used by David Windorski at 3M to other organizations would suggest that these firms should

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implement a similar approach to employee empowerment and innovation. David Windorski, a former employee at 3M, implemented a strategy known as "15% Time" or "15% Culture," which allowed employees to spend 15% of their working hours pursuing projects of their own interest.

To apply this strategy to other organizations, follow these steps:

1. Evaluate the company culture: Assess whether the company values employee empowerment and innovation. If it doesn't already have a culture that supports these principles, leadership may need to address this before implementing a strategy like 15% Time.

2. Educate employees: Communicate the purpose and benefits of employee empowerment and innovation. Let employees know that their ideas and contributions are valued and that they will have the freedom to work on their own projects.

3. Allocate time: Dedicate a specific portion of the workweek (e.g., 15%) that employees can use to work on independent projects. This time should be separate from their regular tasks and responsibilities.

4. Create guidelines: Establish guidelines and expectations for the 15% Time projects. Define the broad boundaries within which employees can operate, including factors like project scope, resources required, and expected outcomes.

5. Support and resources: Ensure that employees have access to necessary resources, such as tools, technologies, and mentorship, to pursue their projects effectively. Leaders and managers should be available to provide guidance and support throughout the process.

6. Celebrate innovation: Recognize and celebrate successful projects and innovations that result from the 15% Time initiative. This will motivate employees and reinforce the company's commitment to employee empowerment and innovation.

7. Assess and adjust: Regularly evaluate the impact of the initiative on employee engagement, innovation, and overall business performance. Make adjustments as necessary based on feedback and lessons learned.

By implementing a similar strategy to 15% Time, other organizations can foster a culture of innovation and empower employees to pursue their ideas, leading to increased creativity, engagement, and ultimately, positive outcomes for the company.