Which of these events in the plot of Silas Marner best represents the complication in the novel? a.Silas tells Molly he has learned to trust again.

b.Godfrey learns that Molly is dead.
c.All of Silas's gold is stolen following fifteen years of self-imposed isolation.
d.Eppie is married

It's not b or d.

This summary should help you answer this question.


To identify the event that represents the complication in the plot of Silas Marner, we need to understand what a complication is in the context of a novel's plot. A complication is a significant event or development that intensifies the conflict or challenge faced by the protagonist, leading to further complications or obstacles in their journey.

Let's analyze the given options:

a. Silas tells Molly he has learned to trust again: While this event shows a moment of personal growth for Silas, it does not significantly complicate the main conflict or challenge of the story.

b. Godfrey learns that Molly is dead: This event does have an impact on Godfrey's life, but it is not the central complication in the plot of Silas Marner. It mainly serves to add to the complexity and secrets in Godfrey's relationships.

c. All of Silas's gold is stolen following fifteen years of self-imposed isolation: This event signifies a major turning point in the story. Silas's gold represents his long-established and solitary way of life. Losing it not only disrupts his newfound sense of contentment but also puts him in a vulnerable position. It adds a significant complication to the plot as Silas must confront new challenges and find a new purpose in life.

d. Eppie is married: While this event has emotional significance for Silas and Eppie, it does not heavily impact the main conflict or bring additional complications to the plot.

Therefore, the event that best represents the complication in the novel Silas Marner is c. All of Silas's gold being stolen following fifteen years of self-imposed isolation.