is 2,340 divisible by 90? how do you know?

Divide 2,340 by 90. If its a whole number than its divisible. If it appears to be something like 24.675757

then its not divisible. This seems to be easy math.

Yes. It is divisible.

What you may mean is it evenly divisible.,24283,27944,27955,28010,28060&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=2,340+/90&cp=7&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=2,340+/90&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=7b989c6c17f79c85

but how do you know?

i think im agreeing with ms. sue. when its not evenly divisible or divisible at all, wont there be like a line above the non-terminating numbers that signifies it will go on forever and ever? is it like called a repeater bar? lolz sorry, im not very good at math...D=

<3 Marcie

thanks too all that helped.. and marcie its okay thanks anyways:)

yes it is i myself didit samm

is 2340 divisible by 90?how do you know?