1 M LiF(aq) will have (lower, the same, higher) conductivity than 1 M CsI(aq)?

A. Same, all ions (Li+Cs+F–and I–) have the same magnitude of charge.
B. Lower, the smaller ions (Li+ and F–) have a higher charge density, and therefore, a greater attraction to solvating H2O molecules than the larger ions (Cs+ and I–) The hydrated smaller ions actually a larger size that makes moving through solution more difficult.
C. Same, because 1 M aqueous solutions of LiF and CsI each contain a 2 M concentration of ions according to the dissolution equations: LiF(s) Li+(aq) + F–(aq) & CsI(s) Cs+(aq) + I–(aq)
D. Higher, (Li+andF–) are smaller ions and are able to move through solution more easily.
E. Conductivity values are completely empirical. The measurements need to be taken in lab to find the answer.

the answer is Lower