Urine passes from the bladder to the outside of the body through a tube called the .Urethra

Muscles are attached to bones by structures called .Tendons

Communication, integration, and control are the primary functions of two body systems called and . Nervous and Endocrine

The system removes excess fluids from the tissue spaces surrounding cells, transports fats from the digestive system back to the blood, and helps develop immunity. Lymphatic

The urethra carries out both a reproductive and a urinary function in the sex. Male

The body system that functions to remove solid waste from the body is called the system.

Looks fine!

To answer these questions, you can refer to basic anatomical knowledge or use simple research methods. Here's how you can find the answers to each question:

1. "Urine passes from the bladder to the outside of the body through a tube called the _________."
Solution: The answer is "Urethra." You can find this information by referring to basic anatomy textbooks or reputable online sources that provide information about the urinary system.

2. "Muscles are attached to bones by structures called _________."
Solution: The answer is "Tendons." This information can be found by studying anatomy textbooks or conducting a quick online search about muscle and bone attachments.

3. "Communication, integration, and control are the primary functions of two body systems called _________ and _________."
Solution: The answers are "Nervous" and "Endocrine." This information can be found in biology textbooks or by researching the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems.

4. "The system removes excess fluids from the tissue spaces surrounding cells, transports fats from the digestive system back to the blood, and helps develop immunity."
Solution: The answer is "Lymphatic." You can find this information by studying the lymphatic system or using online resources that explain its functions.

5. "The urethra carries out both a reproductive and a urinary function in the _______ sex."
Solution: The answer is "Male." This information can be found in anatomy textbooks or reliable online sources that describe the reproductive system and its functions in males and females.

6. "The body system that functions to remove solid waste from the body is called the _______ system."
Solution: The answer is "Digestive." This information can be found in biology or anatomy textbooks or by searching for the functions of the digestive system.