I did it right but the paper saud im rong i think the paper is rong lol

the prob is 4(5n-7)=10n+2

the answer i got is -3

um i got n=3

oh so i jus gotthe intgers rong


the correct answer is 3

4(5n-7) = 10n+2
20n-28 = 10n+2
20n= 10n+30

It seems like you have solved the equation 4(5n-7)=10n+2 and obtained -3 as the answer. However, the paper indicates that your answer is incorrect. Let me help you understand how to solve the equation correctly.

To solve the equation 4(5n-7)=10n+2, we need to simplify both sides by performing the operations carefully. Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

1. Distribute the 4 to terms inside the parentheses on the left side:
20n - 28 = 10n + 2

2. Next, we want to isolate the variable terms on one side of the equation. Let's move the 10n term to the left side by subtracting 10n from both sides:
20n - 10n - 28 = 10n - 10n + 2
10n - 28 = 2

3. Now, let's isolate the constant terms on the other side by adding 28 to both sides:
10n - 28 + 28 = 2 + 28
10n = 30

4. To find the value of n, we divide both sides of the equation by 10:
(10n)/10 = 30/10
n = 3

Therefore, the correct solution for the equation 4(5n-7)=10n+2 is n = 3, not -3. It's important to double-check your calculations and be mindful of the order of operations when solving equations.