What is the other pronunciation for meld?

This is the one I have: 'meld

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I am doing my WordMasters cards, and on the sheet my teacher gave me, it says that meld can be pronounced more than one way. I think it is supposed to be the same type of pronunciation, but the actual pronouncing of the word would be different.

I can think of only one way to pronounce "meld," but the dictionary shows two pronunciations. One is with an "e," and the other is "mɛld)."

I will put that on there. Thank you. :)

You're welcome.

The pronunciation for the word "meld" varies depending on the region and accent. However, in general, "meld" is commonly pronounced as /mɛld/. To get the accurate pronunciation for any word, you can use online dictionaries or pronunciation tools. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find the pronunciation of a word using an online dictionary:

1. Open a web browser and go to a reliable online dictionary website such as Merriam-Webster (www.merriam-webster.com) or Oxford Learner's Dictionaries (www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com).
2. In the search bar, type the word you want to find the pronunciation for, in this case, "meld."
3. Click the search button or press enter to look up the word.
4. The dictionary entry for "meld" will appear, showing the phonetic transcription of the word. Look for the pronunciation guide, which is usually provided in brackets, such as /mɛld/ or /mɛld/.
5. You can also listen to the audio pronunciation if it is available on the website. There is often a speaker icon next to the word, which you can click to hear the pronunciation.

Bear in mind that depending on your location and accent, the pronunciation may vary slightly.