as part of the great compromise,what fraction of enslaved people were counted to determine representation?

I am 7th grade. My report is on Russia government. How do you do a report on the Russia Gov't. I need steps to take in setting up a report on this subject.


As part of the Great Compromise, the fraction of enslaved people counted to determine representation was three-fifths. This provision, also known as the Three-Fifths Compromise, was included in the United States Constitution in 1787.

To understand the context and reasoning behind this fraction, it is important to note that during the Constitutional Convention, there was a debate about how enslaved people should be counted for the purpose of determining representation in Congress. Some argued that enslaved people should not be counted at all, while others argued that they should be counted in their entirety.

The Three-Fifths Compromise was a compromise between these two viewpoints. It stated that three-fifths of the total enslaved population in each state would be counted for the purposes of determining both representation in the House of Representatives and direct taxes. This compromise had profound implications for both political power and economic factors.

To find the answer to this question, you can study the history of the Constitutional Convention and the debates surrounding the issue of enslaved people and representation. Reading primary sources such as the Constitution itself, as well as historical accounts and scholarly analyses of the time period, will provide you with a deeper understanding of the topic. Additionally, resources such as textbooks, educational websites, and articles from reputable sources can also provide reliable information on this subject.