the cradles of civilization all had:

a relatively mild climate, rivers for fishing and tansportation, and..?

agriculture, civilization, towns, specialization of labor??

Dates, liesure time, Instatutions of higher learning, big parties, the first sewer systems, an abundance of salt??

I get the feeling the actual answer is in your book.



It seems that you encountered a typing error in your message. Nonetheless, I can still provide an explanation for the cradles of civilization and what they had in common.

The cradles of civilization, including ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and ancient China, shared several characteristics. In addition to a relatively mild climate and access to rivers for fishing and transportation, they were all centers of early agricultural development. Agriculture played a crucial role in the rise of civilization as it allowed for the development of settled communities and the surplus of food necessary to sustain growing populations.

In these cradles of civilization, people began to organize themselves into towns and cities, establishing complex social structures and systems to govern their societies. As populations grew, specialization of labor emerged, with individuals taking on specific roles and trades to contribute to the overall functioning of the community. This led to advancements in technology, trade, and the development of institutions for governance and education.

While some of the elements you mentioned, such as higher learning and sewer systems, did emerge in some of these civilizations, they were not universal across all the cradles of civilization. It's important to note that each civilization had its unique characteristics and contributions to human history.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!